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Travel Tips Europe |
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Certainly, Antwerp and Brussels are nice towns, but what about the hidden corners of Belgium. Those places, you wouldn't find in a travel guide and wouldn't visit on a Europe-in-seven-days-trip.
Well, let's start with one of the hidden gems of Belgium. Maaseik lies in the most eastern part of Belgium, right at the banks of the River Maas (Meuse), which forms the border to the Netherlands. In this part of Belgium, you will find a lot of great Antique Shops, most specialising in Dutch and German furniture. The town itself is rather small but has it's hidden treasures. Why not have a cafe on the market-square in one of the nice cafes or, if you want to upset your dietriest indulge in "frittes met mayonees" (french fries with mayonnaise) followed by real Belgian chocolates. And if you brought some money to spend - in one of the little cobbled lanes behind the church there is THE interior design shop. Want to have an impression on how my home looks like? Go there and ask for a personal consultation.
Still not enough of old Flemish buildings? Than follow the Maas further south to Maastricht. During daytime the old town with it's big houses, dating back to the times when Belgium was one of the great nations of the Hanse, is dominated by well-off shoppers exploring the elegant boutiques or indulging in the some of the best Belgian cooking in one of the expensive restaurants. But when night falls down and the crowded places of business and entertainment become deserted a rather different life awakes in the vaulted cellars of Maastricht. There are too many clubs to list them here. Take your time and enjoy..!!
On the next day follow the Maas further south to Huy and Namur, both typical Flemish towns. In this area is a cornucopia of Flemish architectural highlights, but most of the castles and châteaux are private property and are not open to visitors. From Namur follow the course of the river further upstream. Between Namur and Dinant lies one of the most scenic routes of southern Belgium. The river is framed by the basalt-mountains which, from time to time, are crowned by impressive castles and fortresses. Many of those can be visited. On a warm spring evening enjoy the look on the river from one of the many cafe-terraces, or just have a romantic picnic in the fields. Relax on the warm stones near the river as swallows dance in the cool breeze. Later there may be camp fires near the stream and bats circle around your heads. There is such a peace and tranquillity about this place you just can't resist. No wonder why so many wealthy Belgians choose this area for their summer residences. Another attraction of the area are the many caves you can explore. But beware!! Bring a torch and better not go alone, since the forests can sometimes be dangerous....